Equality in the workplace an important goal and states across the nation implement laws in order to achieve this initiative. Even though legislation has been passed, employees in Minnesota and across the nation still experience employment discrimination. This often leads to a hostile work environment and could create grounds for civil rights claims. If an employee is treated differently because of their gender, they might have a cause of action for the damages they experience.
Women are well aware of gaps and disparities in the workforce and a recent report discusses the new legislation in Minnesota that has been designed to break down the economic barriers in the state. Specifically, lawmakers seek to reduce the gender pay gap and create a more equal workforce. Governor Mark Dayton signed the Women’s Economic Security Act in order to provide protections, flexibility and expand employment opportunities for women.
The recently approved law would specifically provide protections for pregnant women and currently nursing mothers. Furthermore, the legislation increases the enforcement for equal pay laws. The hope is to provide more employment opportunities for women in high paying jobs. It is the Governor’s hope to address unfair gender barriers while also reducing workplace discrimination.
Unequal treatment in the workplace is often experienced by females due to gaps in pay and less opportunities for advancement. When an employee experiences this or witnesses it, it is important to speak out. This could result in a cause of action being filed. Damages experienced by the employee could be compensated for with this claim.
When an employee experiences gender discrimination or any other form of discrimination in the workplace, they should report the incident. If they continue to suffer hostile work environment or are unlawfully terminated because the have spoken out, they should seek guidance about what legal options they have. This will ensure their interests and rights are preserved and protected.
Source: Hometown Source, “Gov. Dayton signs Women’s Economic Security Act into law on Mother’s Day,” May 12, 2014