Getting inappropriate attention or advances in the workplace can create a very uncomfortable environment for employees. Workers in Minnesota are often concerned about a safe and healthy workplace, and when instances of sexual harassment occur, this could seriously affect their career and emotional well-being. Moreover, this could lead to a hostile work environment and cause the employee to endure various damages from the events.
A recent report focused on the seriousness of sexual harassment in the workplace and what counterarguments there are against the excuses brought on by the harasser. Properly addressing these events could reduce the negative effects that could occur when a worker avoids filing a complaint or taking action.
Some employees might think it is simply appropriate to tell a co-worker or employee that they find them attractive and that it is a compliment towards them. In reality, this behavior is not appropriate in the work environment. This crosses into the realm of personal life and should stay out of the work environment.
Others believe that it is a two-side street. If a man sees a woman harassing a man then is must be justified that a man can harass a woman. There is no policy that allows any type of harassment in the workplace, so no matter the gender, sexual harassment is not justified or allowed in the work place.
Some workers over emphasis the casual environment some workplaces have. Even though employees and employers have casual interactions, this does not validate taking it to a further point. There are ending points and thresholds for this type of behavior and sexual harassment or inappropriate advances do not fit within it.
Lastly, it is believed that if the employee does not deem it sexual harassment when it occurs then it is not. The truth is that it might take time for some employees to speak out or take action against these events. This does not change the label of these actions.
When an employee believes they are enduring events of sexual harassment they should understand what options are available to them. Speaking with someone about these occurrences could help them file a cause of action and even pursue compensation for the damages they suffered.
Source: The Frisky, “4 Counterarguments To The Most Common Excuses For Workplace Sexual Harassment,” Rebecca Vipond Brink, June 4, 2014