Wherever there is opportunity for profit, there is also opportunity for fraud, in both the private and public sector. If you recently learned of dishonest practices in your employer’s dealings as a government contractor, then you have a duty to come forward with this information.
However, this is much easier said than done. If you’re reading this, then you are probably already looking for the safest way to become a whistleblower against your employer. The reality of your circumstances is that doing so could greatly affect your career, so it is absolutely vital that you tread carefully and receive experienced, professional guidance every step of there way.
If not you, then who?
It is understandable to think that misreporting services under a government contract is a victimless crime — understandable, but fundamentally inaccurate. When your employer partakes in government work they are not qualified to perform or fraudulently bill a government agency for services they did not perform or completely fulfill, this is a crime. In fact, they are also stealing money from taxpayers.
Of course, just because you realize that some kind of fraudulent billing is happening does not always mean that your employer is intentionally breaking the law, so it is important to consult with an experienced attorney before you make your first move.
In some cases, inconsistencies in eligibility for a contract or billing for work may be a mistake. In these instances, going full whistleblower when the issue first comes to your attention may constitute the nuclear option, which is unnecessary. You might be able to resolve the issue by reporting the discrepancy to a superior.
However, it is very difficult to know how to approach such an issue. If you go directly to a superior about the problem, you may face illegal retaliation that can ruin your career and your personal life. It is always wise to consult with professional guidance first.
Becoming a whistleblower is not a completely safe choice, and there are laws in place to help compensate you for your risk if you choose to pursue this option. Of course, once you turn against your employer, should that become necessary, they will almost certainly attack your credibility and the validity of your claims.
In these instances, you must act carefully to ensure your own safety and your career’s future.
It’s dangerous to go alone
There is no wisdom or advantage in pursuing whistleblowing by yourself. Regardless of who your employer is, or the nature of the fraud you found, it is always best to approach these matters with help from someone who understands the law and the best ways to navigate this difficult situation.
With professional guidance from an experienced whistleblower attorney, you can rest assured that justice prevails while your own rights and safety remain secure.
Source: Nov. 30, -0001