When it comes to discrimination in the workplace, most people probably expect that gender and race discrimination are the most common forms. They are right, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be focusing on the fact that some people face discrimination in the workplace for other reasons. For instance, transgender Minnesota residents may be facing discrimination in the workplace as well.
This type of discrimination in the workplace can be a touchy subject, because the state and federal laws that are in place to protect employees against discrimination at work usually don’t explicitly mention protections for transgender individuals. So, when a transgender worker experiences discrimination, the legal claim, if needed, will likely proceed under the auspices of gender-based discrimination, but not the way that claims for other men and women might proceed.
Transgender discrimination claims can have many different aspects that are not routinely observed in discrimination claims in the workplace. This is an area of law that is still developing, but the good news is that as more attention is being paid to the fact that transgender individuals are a part of society, the law will catch up to provide them with protection as well.
At our law firm, we fight for the rights of transgender Minnesota residents to be free from discrimination in the workplace. Although the approach to these types of cases may seem unique, it is important to realize that these individuals should have the same rights as everyone else. For more information about how our law firm might be able to help with your case, please visit the transgender discrimination overview section of our website.