In the years following World War II, American families grew at a massive rate due to what social scientists now refer to as the “baby boom.” Baby Boomers are part of an active but aging population that has seen its financial health take hits in the stock market and as safety net programs from the government reduce in scope and size. As a result, more Minnesota Baby Boomers may be working into their sixties and even seventies as they seek to secure the money they need to retire.
However, as aging workers fight for work opportunities and employment, they face a serious problem: age discrimination. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has recently published statistics on this issue and found that more than half of older workers have witnessed or experienced age discrimination in their place of employment.
It is often the case that employers harbor stereotypical and often erroneous assumptions about the capabilities of their older employees. They may believe that their older workers are unable to keep up with emerging technological advancements or that they cannot adapt to changing demands in their fields of employment. They may also assume that older workers simply do not have the abilities to add value to their organizations or that they will not contribute to pushing organizations into the future.
When individuals are denied work opportunities, promotions, raises, and other employment benefits because of their age, they may suffer discrimination. These egregious situations should not be tolerated by men and women who have much to contribute to the jobs they want to have. When faced with age discrimination, Minnesota workers can seek the help of employment law attorneys.