As a previous blog post highlighted, age discrimination could impact employees and applicants in Minnesota and elsewhere in several ways. While it is considered a serious form of workplace discrimination, it is one that might go unnoticed.
What are the signs of age discrimination in the workplace? Whether a individual is unsure if they are enduring discrimination based on age or are asserting claim based on this mistreatment, it is important to understand the nine most common ways this type of workplace discrimination looks like.
First, biased comments are made. This is the most obvious and includes statements such as “old man” or “grandma” or includes conversations about retirement plans or the desire to have a younger image in the workplace. Second, comparisons are made. If an older employee is unfairly being compared to a younger employee, this could be a form of age discrimination. Third, discipline is disparate. This means that an older employee is disciplines for something a younger employee did without consequences.
Fourth, an older employee is denied promotions he or she is qualified for. Five, favoritism is shown towards younger employees. Six, there is a pattern of the company hiring only younger employees. Seven, there is a sudden attitude change in workplace once an employee hits a certain age milestone. Eight, the older employee is being harassed, mistreated and called names in order to force them to quit. Lastly, even if an employer is older than the employee asserting age discrimination, if the employer prefers younger employees, this could still be age discrimination.
Because there are many signs of age discrimination, it is important that employees are aware of all the forms this and other types of employment discrimination could take. This could help employees speak out, file an action and collect compensation for any damages suffered.
Source:, “Nine Signs of Age Discrimination,” Donna Ballman, May 17, 2011