The sad reality in America is that many Muslim people are discriminated against at work and elsewhere. Despite the fact that the United States offers the freedom to practice any religion, many people experience discrimination for doing just that.
Pew Research has shown that many people in America, specifically Muslims, have faced discrimination. Most adults in America (82%) admitted that Muslims were subjected to at least some amount of discrimination within the U.S. in 2019. Shockingly, approximately 56% of people believe that Muslims are highly discriminated against.
What this all boils down to is the idea that Muslims are disadvantaged in this country, at least in the eyes of the majority of Americans.
As a Muslim, you should be aware that discrimination is a possibility in the workplace
Have you been asked not to wear a hijab or headscarf? Have you been asked to work with food products that you are not supposed to interact with due to your religion? If so, these actions are against the law, and you can seek support to force your employer to comply with the law or to compensate you for mistreating you.
What should you do if you believe you are being discriminated against for being Muslim?
If you believe that you are being discriminated against, the first thing you should do is to make sure you record the events. If your boss says something rude, like calling you a “towel head,” that’s against the law. Write down the date and time when it happened. If others witnessed this, write down who witnessed it. Ask them if they would agree to speak on your behalf in the future to say that you have faced discrimination.
If you’re not comfortable bringing up what has happened with witnesses, that’s fine. Record everything you can, and your attorney will do their best to reach out to those who may be able to support your claims.
Another thing you can do is to keep any written or recorded evidence of discrimination. Emails requiring you to remove your religious head wear, for example, could be good supporting evidence that you’ve faced unfair religious discrimination on the job.
Your attorney will talk to you about all the incidents that have led you to believe that you have faced discrimination at work. Together, you can build a case against your employer and file a claim to help you protect your rights in Minnesota.